The show and tell today is extremely interesting!

Everyone shows their own ability for their own interest,
and it's really fascinating.

Sherly brought us the originates wine.
She wear the traditional clothes of the originates.
The people dancing in the film really looked energetic.
To dance with each other is indeed a lot of fun.
We even have to drink the wine while we're dancing!
That's indeed a unforgetable memory.

I'm sorry, Peter.
Sorry to make you exhausted. //XD
I was talking about the aerobic, and he demonstrate it for me as a assistant.
Jennifer was doing the dangerous movement I'm gonna talk about before class ,
so I add it as a instance to warn everyone.
I was stunned when I saw Elleina(is that right?) taking pictures.
Oh my GOD !
I did'n even think of being pictured.
When it came to the end,
I breathed so heavily that I can hardly phrase my ending.
Charlotte has done something technical!
She was introducing the Windows 7.
The professor was right, she indeed did a great speech, regardless of the time.
It was the first time I saw Windows 7 directly.
Much more user-friendly than Windows XP and Vista.
As a matter of fact, I don't like Vista very much, so I rather use XP.
Mac OS is so unfamiliar to me right now,
if I have enough money and time to get used to it, maybe I'll take a try.
But anyway,
the feature of Windows 7 that Charlotte demonstrated was just fabulous.
I may switch my operating system to Windows 7 after November.

Jennifer was awesome.
Oh my GOD! although I already knew that she is a sporty girl,
I have never though of how sporty she is like this.
Wackies looks great with her.
Just like what she said, it was indeed the combination of power and beauty.
I can tell from her sharp eyesight, I was totally stunned.
What a great dance!
And the Wackies class is also interesting.
Jennifer, you really impressed me a lot by Wackies.

Peter came after Jennifer.
He wrote some long and unrecognizable words on the blackboard in advance.
No one was able to understand till he announced his topic,
about the traditional blood pressure measuring.
He asked me before the class began to be his assistant,
but when he asked for help, both Charlotte and Peggy raised their hands. XD
One to be a doctor, another to be the victim. (This was what Peter said.)
Habits and abilities indeed vary from people.
I have never imagined that it could be the topic of Show and Tell.
But Peter did, and he did a good job.

Peggy was the last one of today, and all the girls was driven crazy.
She brough all (maybe part of XD) her perfume to the class,
and explained one by one for the ingrediants and what age of women is suitable
for that perfume.
She put some on her name card and pass it to us.
Some of them was really attractive, and some of them are sweet,
and still some are elegant.
I got the name card written "princess" on it. XD
She said it's for women from 15-20.
No wander it's called "princess".

I'm really looking forward to the show and tell next week.
Though the preparation is tiring, it's worth it.

Poor Rita, not knowing whether she will represent her speech next week,
or the week after next week.
Good luck!

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