Recently, my mood is easily affected.
Not knowing why, but it just take place whenever I hang around on the bbs.
Maybe that's not really a bad mood, however, it is something worth thinking.

I'm a easily-affected person.
Every word of me from every single person might cause an influence on me.
To take everyone's word serious is always a damn characteristic of mine.
Senior year, is the very year to truly understand ourselves.
I did, though I'm still uncertain about it, I still did.
Not to take everyone's word serious, is one goal I tried very hard to achieve this year.
I know the power of language, and I know how language can affect people.
To be honest, I'm still in the dilemma of mine, which makes me easily affected.

Why I post this article today?
Because I just hang around on the bbs couple of minutes ago, and saw the IM night film as well.
Something has just bump into my mind, for those unforgettable memories.
I'm again affected now.
Nothing I can do except sigh.

Whatever, keep stepping on IR ! 


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