It's the most fantastic movie I have ever had this year.
I love the director, actors, actresses and everything, truly.
That's all I can say.

The most attractive part of Harry Potter is not fighting I think,
it's the story itself. It did not move me until today. I cannot admire
more to the director, for concerning all the details. Not even a single
second is wasted. You can see how much the director concern about this
story from the details. For those who has already read this book, they
can tell what's going on in every single minute, and can easily connect
each part of it to a complete story without missing any point. Although
he did change part of the story in order to fit in two and half hours,
it's still undoubtedly a masterpiece.

It is Harry Potter. People inside talk short and specifically but never
mislead the audience or go over sloppily. There maybe five pages to describe
the very situation, but can tell in five sentences in movie.

It's the greatest on so far.

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